Personal Attention And Experience With Proven Results

Making Sure Your Medical Wishes Are Respected

If you are mentally incapacitated by an accident or illness, who will interact with the doctors on your behalf? Who will make the critical decisions regarding the medical procedures and medications you receive? Do your loved ones know what type of end-of-life care you want — or what you don’t want done?

Don’t leave your family confused and legally immobilized. Be proactive. Take the initiative and have Louisiana attorney R. Scott Buhrer craft the necessary legal documents for you. As the founder of the Buhrer Law Firm in Metairie, Mr. Buhrer has assisted hundreds of clients with estate planning matters throughout the state. He can use his 30-plus years of experience on your behalf as well.

What Are Medical Powers Of Attorney?

Powers of attorney give a person the right to make decisions for someone else. Often, these are used to allow an adult child to make decisions for an aging parent facing age-related issues such as dementia. Powers of attorney allow individuals to know that their best interests will be looked after if they are ever unable to make rational decisions for themselves. This can be particularly important when it comes to health care decisions. You want to know that someone you trust will be in charge of the medical care you receive.

Do You Need A Living Will?

As an estate planning lawyer with decades of experience, Mr. Buhrer also helps with the creation of living wills. While a power of attorney gives someone the right to make health care or financial decisions for another, a living will directs what life-sustaining measures should be taken when a person is terminally ill and unable to survive without life support. These instruments spell out exactly what health care decisions you want made on your behalf by the person you have entrusted with the power of attorney.

Arrange A Consultation With Mr. Buhrer

Set up an initial consultation with our Jefferson Parish lawyer by calling the Buhrer Law Firm at 504-541-6997 or 800-636-0784. You can also contact our Metairie office online.