If you choose to file for divorce, that process will mark the end of the romantic relationship between you and your spouse. If you have a child, however, your relationship will never end in specific ways.
Raising a child in two separate households can be a very stressful experience, especially if you are not getting along with your ex-spouse. It is not uncommon for one party to attempt to create a rift between the child and the other parent. This is known as parental alienation, and it can have a lasting impact on the child’s long-term well-being.
Looking out for the signs of parental alienation
Divorce is a difficult experience. As such, it is not uncommon for a divorced couple to run into challenges as they adjust to their new family dynamics. However, when a parent resorts to turning the child against the other parent, then this could be indicative of a major problem.
Here are some of the red flags you need to look out for if you suspect that your co-parent is alienating you from your child:
- You are kept in the dark as far as the child’s day-to-day well-being is concerned
- Your child becomes suddenly indifferent and defiant
- Your child refuses to spend time with you
- Your child seems to know a lot of details about your divorce
What can you do about parental alienation?
To counter your ex’s behavior, you’ll need to start off by building as much evidence as you possibly can. Here are some of the steps you need to take if you suspect parental alienation:
Create a journal – note down the specific incidents of alienation. Be sure to indicate the dates and locations where they happened. And if there were witnesses, be sure to note this too.
Assert your rights – Being alienated from your child can be quite frustrating. However, you should never give up. Do keep in mind that alienation hurts your child too. Sometimes, you and your ex may talk the issue out and reach an acceptable settlement. If this is not possible, however, then you need to bring the matter to the attention of the court.