Personal Attention And Experience With Proven Results

Determining Child Support In Louisiana

Louisiana uses a set of guidelines to determine the amount of child support that is owed. These guidelines determine the support due based on the respective incomes of the parties. Responsibility for meeting this level of support is allocated in accordance with the percentage of the combined income that each parent has.

As a seasoned attorney, R. Scott Buhrer can help ensure that you receive or pay what is appropriate based on your specific situation. Whether you are in Metairie or in any of the other cities and towns in this part of the state, you can rely on Mr. Buhrer to protect you from unreasonable financial demands and uphold your interests. He has decades of experience in these and other family law matters.

Making Changes To Support Orders

In situations where child support agreements need to be changed, one or both parents can seek a modification. Modifications allow parents to alter the terms of agreements to reflect changed circumstances in their lives or those of their children. For example, if you were paying child support and suddenly lose your job or become injured, you can apply for a modification to reduce the support payments you owe each month.

Mr. Buhrer can sit down with you, discuss the details of your situation and decide if your change in circumstances is significant enough to warrant modifying the court order. If it is, he will guide you through the necessary steps and help you free up your finances again.

Enforcing Court Orders

If the other parent is refusing to pay the amount ordered by the Louisiana courts, you have options. The Buhrer Law Firm can help you enforce the order and obtain the full amount of child support you and your children deserve.

Contact Our Attorney For Advice Today

To arrange an initial consultation with our lawyer, contact Mr. Buhrer and his dedicated support staff by calling 504-541-6997 or 800-636-0784. Our Metairie office is close to Lakeside Mall and offers convenient parking.